Hromada is a non-profit organization working for the benefit of the Ukrainian community. Our aim is to promote educational, cultural and charitable activities in the Ukrainian diaspora. 

The Organization publishes a monthly newspaper "Hromada". The first issue was released in December 2017. The purpose of the newspaper is to cover a wide range of topics, including the political, cultural, educational and charitable ones, relevant to our present, culture, heritage and history.

Also, Hromada runs a charity project - the "Anhelyk" Foundation - and provides support to the children of ATO members who lost their father / mother in the war in eastern Ukraine. Every year, all donations and funds raised at charity events are sent as gifts to children for the Christmas holidays.

If you want to financially support our Organization, use the "DONATE" link. Since Hromada is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization, all donations are tax-deductible.


Yarema Kuzyshyn

CFO and Co-Founder of Hromada,
President and Co-Founder of Hireterra

Lesya Castillo

Co-Founder of Hromada
Chief Editor of "Hromada" Newspaper

Єлизавета Гоц

Social media coordinator

Ігор Трегуб

Старший радник з питань політики Каліфорнійської асоціації сонячної та акумуляторної енергетики

Марія Медюх

Волонтер ГО "Громада" у Львівській обл.,
Ветеран російсько-української війни, Учасниця бойових дій